Mindfulness-Based Exercises
12 MINDFULGym Tools
The entire MINDFULGym program consists of 12 main MINDFULGym tools for coping with stress and improving wellness. The following is a brief description of the various tools taught in the program.

1. Mindful Body Stretching
Relaxing The Body...
This MINDFULGym tool consists of a 10-posture physical exercise for progressively stretching and relaxing different parts of the body. It's useful for reducing muscular tension, relieving headache, refreshing the body, and improving sleep.

2. Mindful-PDF & NOW-ing
Focusing Attention...
This is a MINDFULGym tool that helps us to be more aware of what we’re doing by mentally labeling or silently verbalizing our physical activities. It's a good antidote to multitasking, forgetfulness, and absent-mindedness.

3. HTC (Hear, Touch, C/See)
Contacting The Present Moment...
This is a MINDFULGym tool that helps to quickly shift our mind from being lost in negative thoughts to sensing present moment experience – HTC (H for hearing, T for touching, and C for seeing).

4. Mindful-STOP
Taking A Mindful Break...
This is a MINDFULGym tool for taking short breaks throughout the day and seasoning it with the positive energy of mindfulness.

5. Mindful Breathing
Calming The Mind...
This MINDFULGym tool consists of a series of exercises that involve paying attention to breathing to recognize emotional states, calm the mind, and develop a positive mental attitude.

6. Beginner's Mind: Mindful Eating & Photography
Refreshing The Present Moment...
This is a MINDFULGym tool for cultivating the habit of experiencing ordinary things in life with the attitude of a beginner; as if seeing things through fresh lenses, child-like curiosity, and thinking of it as a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

7. Gratitude Workout: Google-WWW-Yahoo
Counting Our Blessings...
This MINDFULGym tool consists of a series of exercises for training our mind to pay attention to the positive aspects of life, e.g. strength, blessings, good deeds, accomplishments, success.

8. Body Scan & Kindness
Refreshing The Body...
This is a MINDFULGym tool that involves shifting our mindful attention to the different touch sensations found on the body and relating to them with kindness. It's useful for relieving body tiredness or discomfort, refreshing the mind, and having restful sleep.

9. Mindful Walking
Touching The Earth...
This is a MINDFULGym tool that involves paying full and beginner’s mind attention to the moment-to-moment sensations of walking, e.g. movements of legs, soles touching the ground, air brushing against the skin. It’s a good physical exercise, a useful way of grounding attention, and an effective antidote for restlessness.

10. Mind-Scan
Mindfulness Of Thoughts
This is a MINDFULGym tool for cultivating the habit of recognizing unhelpful thought patterns and relating to them with kindness, curiosity, and understanding. When we’re aware of our thoughts, we become more emotionally intelligent and stronger.

11. Five Mindful Vitamins
Befriending Challenges
This MINDFULGym tool consists of a series of exercises for cultivating self-care and a positive mental attitude during difficult moments in life.

12. HEART-fulness (Loving-Kindness)
Cultivating Friendliness & Kindness
This MINDFULGym tool is for cultivating friendliness and related positive feelings (e.g. kindness, gentleness, compassion) towards ourselves and others.