12 Mindful Tools For Stress Reduction & Wellness
The book has detail descriptions of the 12 mindfulness-based tools taught in the MINDFULGym program. For each tool, it has explanations on what it is, how it works, and what to do.
It also relates how Johnny (medical student), Mrs. Chan (working woman with a family), and Mr. Ramesh (middle-aged man with various medical problems) apply MINDFULGym tools in their lives. You'll get ideas on customizing MINDFULGym tools and integrating them into your life.
In "Heartful Story," you'll find inspirational stories related to mindful living - living in the present moment, gratitude, contentment, beginner’s mind, embracing change, compassion, and so on.
In "Mindful Brain," you'll find scientific research information related to the benefits of mindfulness. The findings of each research paper are summarized into 3 main points for easy understanding.
It's available for sale (RM30 per copy) in Dr. Phang's clinic at Sunway Medical Centre (Suite 16, 5th Floor, Tower A). For a preview of the first 3 chapters of the book - HERE.
Phang, C. K. (2016). NOW - Who Wants To Learn MINDFULGym?: 12 Mindful Tools For Stress Reduction & Wellness. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia Association for Mindfulness Practice & Research (MMPR).
(e-book version - only RM20 per copy)