Prof. Dr. Alvin Ng Lai Oon

A. Prof. Dr. Keng Shian Ling
The most evidence-based mindfulness program for Malaysians
MINDFULGym Research & Publications
The effectiveness and credibility of the MINDFULGym program are supported by the following research and publications:
1. Phang, C. K., Mukhtar, F., Ibrahim, N., Keng, S.-L., & Mohd. Sidik, S. (2015). Effects of a brief mindfulness-based intervention program for stress management among medical students: the Mindful-Gym randomized controlled study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 20(5), 1115 – 1134 - HERE.
2. Phang, C. K., Keng, S.-L., & Chiang, K. C. (2014). Mindful-S.T.O.P.: Mindfulness Made Easy for Stress Reduction in Medical Students. Education in Medicine Journal, 6(2). doi: 10.5959/ eimj.v6i2.230 - HERE.
3. Phang, C. K., Mukhtar, F., Ibrahim, N., Keng, S.-L., & Mohd. Sidik, S. (2015). Effects of a DVD-delivered mindfulness-based intervention for stress reduction in medical students: a randomized controlled study. Education in Medicine Journal, 7(3) - HERE.
4. Keng, S-L., Phang, C.K., & Oei, T.P.S. (2015). Effects of a Brief Mindfulness-based Intervention Program on Psychological Symptoms and Well-being among Medical Students in Malaysia: A Controlled Study. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy: 8(4), 335-350 - HERE.
5. Phang, C. K., Chiang, K. C., Ng, L. O., Keng, S.-L., & Oei, T. P. S. (2016). Effects of Brief Group Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Stress Reduction among Medical Students in a Malaysian University. Mindfulness, 7(1), 189-197 - HERE.
6. Hee, K.L, Subramanian, P., Rahmat, N., & Phang, C.K. (2014). The Effect of Mindfulness Training Programme on Reducing Stress and Promoting Well-being among Nurses in Critical Care Units. Australian Journal of Advance Nursing, 31(3), 22–31 - HERE.
7. Phang, C. K., Mukhtar, F., Ibrahim, N., Keng, S.-L., & Mohd. Sidik, S. (2016). Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS): Factorial Validity and Psychometric Properties in a Sample of Medical Students in Malaysia. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 11(5), 305-316 - HERE.
8. Phang, C. K., & Oei, T. P. S. (2012). From Mindfulness to Meta-mindfulness: Further Integration of Meta-mindfulness Concept and Strategies into Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Mindfulness, 3(2), 104–116 - HERE.
9. Gnanavisuddhi, R. (2015). A study on a brief mindfulness-based intervention (MINDFULGym) for stress reduction and wellness among school teachers. Counseling Master Thesis, Help University, Malaysia - HERE.
10. Indaratana (2019). The effect of a one-day mindfulness training (MINDFULGym) for stress reduction and wellbeing among youth. Counseling Master Thesis, Help University, Malaysia -
11. Ng, L. O., Ting, P.L., & Phang, C.K. (2015). Brief mindfulness-based intervention: a comparison study of its effects between quantitative and qualitative measures. Research poster presented at the 2nd International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Colombo, Sri Lanka - HERE.
12. Maher, D.F.F (2018). Effect of a one-day mindfulness intervention (MINDFULGym) on stress, anxiety, and depression among pre-clinical medical students: A randomized controlled trial. Ph.D. in Public Health (Mental Health) Thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia - HERE.
13. Woo, C.S. (2016). The Effects of Mindful Breathing for Reducing Emotional Distress and Enhancing Quality of Life Among Patients with Cancer. Clinical Psychology Master Thesis, National University of Malaysia - HERE.
14. Tan, S.W. (2016). Effects of a 2-week Gratitude-Based Intervention for Stress Reduction and Psychological Well-being Among Nurses in UKM Medical Centre. Clinical Psychology Master Thesis, National University of Malaysia - HERE.
15. Leng, B.S. (2016). The Effects of Loving-Kindness Intervention on Psychological Distress and Psychological Well-Being among University Students. Clinical Psychology Master Thesis, National University of Malaysia - HERE.
16. Lim, SC, Nik, RNJ, Marhani, M, Phang, CK, Low, MY, Haslina, MR, Tuti, IM (2020). Brief Mindfulness-based Intervention as an Adjunctive Therapy for People With Depressive and Anxiety Disorder: A Pilot Study in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 16(1), 173-182 - HERE.
17. Chet, L. S., Ismail, W. S. W., Jaafar, N. R. N., Kar, Phang, C.K, & Eow, T. E. (2019). The Effects of a One-day Mindfulness-based Intervention on Psychological Distress for Caregivers of Children with Speech-language Pathology: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 15(3), 29-36 - HERE.
18. Ghawadra, SF, Lim Abdullah, K, Choo, WY, Danaee, M, Phang, CK (2020). The Effect of Mindfulness‐based Training on Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Job Satisfaction Among Ward Nurses: A Randomized Control Trial. J Nurs Manag. 2020; 28: 1088– 1097 - HERE.
19. Izyan SK, Nor Asyikin F, Asrenee AZ, Phang CK (2021). Experience of Mindfulness Programme for Nurses at a Hospital in Kelantan, Malaysia: A Qualitative Study. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry. 20(2):4-16 - HERE.
20. Fadzil NA, Heong WO, Kueh YC, Phang CK (2021). The Effect of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Nurses in Kelantan, Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2021;28(6):121-128. doi: 10.21315/mjms2021.28.6.12. Epub 2021 Dec 22 - HERE.
21. Loh KJ, Othman A, Phang CK (2022). The effects of a brief mindfulness intervention
on mindfulness, stress and emotional intelligence in medical students. Education in Medicine Journal. 2022;14(2):1–24. https://doi.org/10.21315/eimj2022.14.2.1 - HERE.
22. Othman CN & Phang CK (2022). Effects of a Five Weeks of MBSR Program on HADS and EORTQLC-C30 among Cancer Patients in Malaysia. International of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences - HERE.