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Focusing Attention
Mindful PDF & NOW-ing (I)
This is a MINDFULGym tool that helps us to be more aware of what we’re doing by mentally labeling or silently verbalizing our physical activities.
Sometimes we do things in autopilot mode; the mind is not fully in the present moment during activities. When this happens, we’re prone to forget things and make mistakes, e.g. forget to switch off the fan, fill petrol after paying for it, collect money after ATM withdrawal. We wear a shirt inside out/ back to front; we leave things behind (phone, purse, and laptop).
When we mentally label or silently verbalize our physical activities, we increase our attention on what we’re doing and thus reduce forgetfulness and careless mistakes.
Multitasking & Mindless Mistakes
Multitasking & Mindless Mistakes
The Brain Cannot Multitask
The Brain Cannot Multitask
Multitasking is a thief. It steals away time, energy, and productivity. We can't focus well and end up making careless mistakes
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