Mindfulness-Based Exercises
MINDFULGym Self-Help
The information found on this website shouldn't be used as a substitute for consultation with medical or mental health professionals if you're suffering from depression, anxiety disorders, or any other psychological disorders.
Over here, you'll briefly learn about the 12 main MINDFULGym tools for coping with stress and improving wellness. Your journey to a healthier and happier life starts here-and-now.
For a complete step-by-step explanation of the tools, please refer to the MINDFULGym book, "NOW - Who Wants To Learn MINDFULGym: 12 Mindful Tools For Stress Reduction & Wellness."

6. Beginner's Mind: Mindful Eating & Photography
Refreshing The Present Moment...
This is a MINDFULGym tool for cultivating the habit of experiencing ordinary things in life with the attitude of a beginner; as if seeing things through fresh lenses, child-like curiosity, and thinking of it as a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

8. Body Scan & Kindness
Refreshing The Body...
This is a MINDFULGym tool that involves shifting our mindful attention to the different touch sensations found on the body and relating to them with kindness. It's useful for relieving body tiredness or discomfort, refreshing the mind, and having restful sleep.

9. Mindful Walking
Touching The Earth...
This is a MINDFULGym tool that involves paying full and beginner’s mind attention to the moment-to-moment sensations of walking, e.g. movements of legs, soles touching the ground, air brushing against the skin. It’s a good physical exercise, a useful way of grounding attention, and an effective antidote for restlessness.